
Veteran defender Gould set to sign for Stellenbosch FC

Morgan Gould (Gallo Images)
Morgan Gould (Gallo Images)

Cape Town - Former SuperSport United and Kaizer Chiefs centre-back Morgan Gould is set to sign for Premiership newcomers Stellenbosch FC sometime this week.

Gould spent the last three seasons with SuperSport but was not offered a new contract when his current deal expired.

United had offered the 36-year-old a role in the club's offices however the veteran warhorse still wanted to continue a playing career which started in 2001 with Jomo Cosmos.

Stellies coach Steve Barker told reporters of the former Bafana Bafana international: "He is training with us and hopefully, by the end of the week we will have finalised his signing.

"Morgan's experience will help us and his kind of influence in the dressing room will be important."

The Cape Town-based outfit have already made a number of signings ahead of 2019/20 with Dillian Solomons, Boy de Jong, Zimo Brenner and Waseem Isaacs all coming on board.

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