
10 Home office essentials that will boost your work from home morale

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Enhance your work from home experience and thrive until you can get back to the formal office. (Image: Supplied)
Enhance your work from home experience and thrive until you can get back to the formal office. (Image: Supplied)

While many of us have adapted well to working from home – and let’s face it there’s nothing better than working at home in slippers with a blanket during winter - many of us still miss the focused structure (and WIFI connection) of a formal office space.  

As offices urge employees, who can, to continue working from home and stay safe, it can be tough to find your groove, keep up morale, or even just a peaceful place to sit and focus on another online meeting.   

So here are the ultimate tips and tricks to help you set up your ultimate work from home space that allows you to be your most productive self, here are ten things you should invest in: 

1. A device that matches your productivity and speed needs 

The computer or laptop is undoubtedly the star of the home office show. You need to invest in one that matches your current and future needs in a device. From processing speed and battery life to software updates and connectivity port availability. HUAWEI’s latest MateBook range brings forth devices that blend productivity, speed, and efficiency into a variety of glistening and stylish packaging options. 

They’re running deals on two of their popular HUAWEI MateBooks – the HUAWEI MateBook 14 and their HUAWEI MateBook D 15 i3. Both devices come in streamlined and sleek designs, kitted out with a plethora of USB port options, the HUAWEI Share feature, and biometric security features.? 

The HUAWEI MateBook D 15 i3 includes all of this packaged with an impressive 1920x1080 resolution and anti-glare matte design available for the budget-friendly deal cost of R10,999 on HUAWEI’s website. 

The HUAWEI MateBook 14 offers more premium laptop seekers all of the above paired with a speedy 10th Generation Intel Core processor, MX350 discrete graphics, 16 GB RAM space all powered by an impeccable 56Wh (Rated capacity) battery. All of this comes packaged with a vibrant HUAWEI FullView Display screen with 2K resolution and a Multi-touch feature and is available for a current retail price of R24,999 on HUAWEI’s website. 

2. A good desk with enough table space? 

Now that you’ve settled on a device that will serve as the main feature of your home office productivity, you need to place it on a worthy throne. Invest in a sturdy desk with a good amount of space to spread out your work notes, hold your coffee, and give you elbow room to type with ease. Sitting at a desk gives you a more formal feel rather than working in bed or in front of the TV and allows you to hone your focus better. 

3. A comfortable ergonomic chair 

Once you’ve found a throne good enough for your device, you should invest in one that’s good for you, your comfort, and your posture. If you’ll be sitting for extended periods, you’ll need a chair that cushions your working experience while offering good lower back support to avoid placing strain on your back. 

4. A reliable WIFI and internet connection 

There’s nothing that defeats one morale other than the loading pinwheel of doom. Avoid that burden by investing in a good internet setup and connection. Investing in a good router, like HUAWEI’s 4G CPE Router, and a mini-UPS device will be sure to have you seamlessly browsing and working with ease. 

5. A computer stand 

If you find your desk is not cutting it alone, elevate your work game by investing in an adjustable computer stand. This will allow you to relieve potential tension on your neck muscles and even allow you to stand and work to stretch your limbs from time to time. ? 

6. Noise-cancelling earphones with a microphone 

Don’t let the loud outdoor construction or passing vehicles throw you off your work focus – especially in those important virtual meetings. Investing in a good pair of noise-cancelling earphones with an in-built microphone will allow you to get your points across clearly and have you not missing a beat of the meeting (unless someone freezes or forgets to unmute). 

7. A work playlist 

Get your focus on with some songs that fuel your morale and put some pep in your finger typing step. Curate a playlist you can play through your phone (or enhanced by some Bluetooth speakers) and crush those deadlines. 

8. Scented candles 

Some days can be more stressful than others and sometimes you can switch up the tension in the air with a sweet or tropical scent. Set up a candle on your desk to help waft away the stress and leave you feeling more relaxed and ready to tackle your to-do list. 

9. Notepad and a reliable set of pens 

While your laptop might be the main star of the show, it doesn’t mean regular stationery should be tossed to the wayside. Sometimes having a few scraps of paper and pens around can be handy – especially when catching key points in a virtual meeting. 

10. Stress balls 

And, of course, no office space is complete without a stress ball or three to help you centre your chi on the busier days where you work to the backtrack of notification dings. 

These ten little items will enhance your work from home experience and allow you to thrive until you can get back to the formal office. Set your space up in a way that best fits your style and be sure to get creative with your office décor – because you work your best in a space you feel best in. 

This post is sponsored by HUAWEI produced by BrandStudio24 for News24.

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