
Liver patties

Home Magazine
Prep Time: 00:30
Servings: 8
Cooking Time: 00:30
  • 700g - minced beef liver
  • 2 - medium potatoes, grated
  • 1 - onion, grated
  • 1ml - cloves
  • - salt and pepper
  • - enough flour to make a runny batter
  • 5ml - baking powder
  • - olive oil and butter for frying
A hearty family meal - best served warm with mash and fried onions!

Mix the liver, potatoes, onion, cloves, and salt and pepper in a mixing bowl. Add enough flour to make a batter and mix well. Add the baking powder last and stir thoroughly.

Heat a little olive oil and butter in a frying pan (just enough to cover the bottom) and spoon in three to four liver patties at a time and fry over medium heat. Do not dish too much of the mixture at a time as it spreads and the patties become too big and clumsy to handle.

Turn the patties over and fry the other side as well until golden brown. Keep them warm while you fry the rest. They’re delicious with creamy mash potatoes and fried onions.

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